First of all, thank you for taking part on my Twitter survey and for your valuable Feedback regarding the first version of the Node!
One of the key takeaways from the survey was the demand for a passively cooled Node. I heard your request loud and clear, and I’ve been hard at work designing a new enclosure that meets this requirement.

It took us just two days of intense focus and attention to detail to come up with a design that not only meets the demands for passive cooling, but also looks quite nice!
I have attached the 3d files of the new enclosure! Take a look and let us know what you think. I can’t wait to hear your feedback!
Once again, thank you for your continued support and for making our community such a vibrant and innovative place. I’m constantly inspired by your creativity and enthusiasm, and look forward to delivering new and exciting products that meet your needs.
Please print in PETG. You can find the 3d files here:
UPDATE: Here is an updated enclosure for easier fit and more space to plug in USB sticks…